

Hi! My name is Nicolas Bergeron, but you can just call me Nic. I've always been the creative type, but didn't really get started making stuff until shortly after I graduated high school in 2015. Most of what I produce is made from wood, whether I save it from the trash, mill it from trees myself, or purchase it from a lumber yard. I do occasionally bring in other mediums, such as steel, resin or plastic, to add that extra something to a piece that wood just can't accomplish on its own. 

If I had to pick my favorite tool in the shop, it would be the lathe. I love being able to produce whatever shape comes to mind when making a bowl or vase. On top of that, there are so many categories in turning. Just to list a couple, there's bowl turning, spindle turning, box making, and segmented turning. 

In general, my favorite things to make are what I like to call "functional art". To me, it's not just form or function, I like to combine them, so that a piece looks good and works well also.